Smoking a cigarette removes Stressed, BuzzCrashed, FeelingAnxious, and Strained buffs. Additionally, the pack can be put into inventory and the same options are available.

You can also click on the pack and select "Show Contents" to see how many cigarettes are in the pack. The sim will walk over, grab a cigarette, and start smoking. In live mode, click on the pack and select "Have Smoke". To use, in Buy mode go to Misc Decorations and purchase a pack of cigarettes for 6 simoleons, and place it on a surface(NOT the floor/ground). This mod gives sims the ability smoke cigarettes to your game. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy. ***Updated 7-8-12 Fixed moodlets not showing. ***Updated 7-12-12 Fixed sims not being able to smoke from the same pack at the same time, and adjusted the chance of getting a smoking habit. Hope you like.***Updated 7-13-12 Fix for localization(translations) They get a happy mood boost and a beard hider buff so they will stay not bearded within three sim days, after that time the beard will show again. Sims put shaving cream on their face and start shaving.

This MOd add a new iteraction to mirrors so male sims can shave their beard.

With this MOD your male sims can shave at the mirror and grow a beard. NOW your sims can grow a fullbeard! I added a new iteraction “grow full beard” the sims shave normally but a buff appear :growing a beard it last two days and the sims appear with the clean face, after that buff, another buff spawn and they appear with a five o clock shadow beard and last two days, after that another buff spawn and your sims now have stubble last 3 days after that the final buff spawns and sims now have a full beard!! this last permanently so you need to shave to dissapear. There is a new iteraction “restore beard ”that deletes the baby face buff and beard will appear again.ģ. The baby face buff last 3 sim days now.Ģ.